The time is now to be a part of all the amazing things we are doing at The Arc of Tuscaloosa County. If you are interested in finding out ways to SERVE, DONATE or just be INVOLVED let us know.
The Arc of Tuscaloosa County is a membership-driven organization, creating a voice for the services, supports and rights of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Your membership adds your voice (and your vote) to The Arc’s vision of an inclusive community for all people. By joining The Arc, you are connected to local advocacy efforts to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Tuscaloosa County and the surrounding area, as well as a part of the nation's largest grassroots movement to build a better future for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Build relationships and connect with others who share in the vision of ensuring that people with intellectual/developmental disabilities have “meaningful lives in the communities where they live, learn, work, play and worship.” Self-advocates, parents and other family members, advocates, and professionals work together through The Arc to advocate in local, state and national forums for the resources to meet their needs and live self-determined lives.
The time is now to be a part of all the amazing things we are doing at The Arc of Tuscaloosa County. If you are interested in finding out ways to SERVE, DONATE or just be INVOLVED let us know.